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8 Get account balance


Using your heavy access token, call the accounts balances endpoint to get balances for an account.

Method GET
Note Replace <ACCOUNT_ID> with one of the account numbers from the Account List call.
Header Value Description
x-fapi-financial-id OB/2017/001 Financial ID
Authorization Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN> Replace with the heavy/submission access token you received from the heavy token call.
x-ibm-client-id <YOUR CLIENT ID> The client ID you received when creating the app on the portal.
x-ibm-client-secret <YOUR CLIENT SECRET> The client secret you received when creating the app on the portal.
Response JSON
    "Data": {
        "Balance": {
            "AccountId": "306c3686-5c25-47a9-bc58-8c86a2f6522a",
            "Amount": {
                "Amount": 996.28,
                "Currency": "ZAR"
            "CreditDebitIndicator": "Credit",
            "Type": "InterimAvailable",
            "DateTime": "2023-10-27T06:40:52.270Z"
    "Links": {
        "Self": ""
    "Meta": {
        "TotalPages": 1