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4 Order History By Recipient


Using your clientID and clientSecret (which you obtained when you created an application), you will make a Post request using the endpoint and values below to retrive order history by recipient.

Method POST
Header Value Description
x-ibm-client-id <YOUR CLIENT ID> The client ID you received when creating the app on the portal.
x-ibm-client-secret <YOUR CLIENT SECRET> The client secret you received when creating the app on the portal.
x-idempotency-key <RANDOM INTEGER> Random integer. Must be unique for every call.
x-jws-signature <RANDOM INTEGER> Replace with random value.
x-fapi-financial-id OB/2017/001 Financial ID.
x-fapi-customer-ip-address Customer IP address.
x-fapi-interaction-id <RANDOM GUID> Replace with random value.
Content-Type application/json The data type being sent to the endpoint.
URL query parameters
Param Value Description
page 1 Page number
pagesize 5 Specify number of vouchers required per page
fromdate 2023-07-01 Fetch only data that happened from this date
todate 2023-07-12 Fetch only data that happened till this date

    "Data": {
        "Initiation": {
            "InstructionIdentification": "REPLACE WITH RANDOM UNIQUE STRING",
            "CreditorAccount": {
                "SchemeName": "recipient",
                "Identification": "0710000000",
                "Name": "MyRefOnceOffQATrx",
                "SecondaryIdentification": "1"
        "ExpirationDateTime": "2024-04-04T17:31:51.477Z"
    "Risk": {
        "VoucherStatus": "ALL"

Please note that valid values for VoucherStatuses are ALL,REDEEMABLE,REDEEMED,REFUNDED

Response JSON
  "Data": [
      "Voucher": {
        "Code": "2574161325",
        "Status": "REDEEMABLE",
        "Amount": {
          "Amount": "50.00",
          "Currency": "ZAR"
        "Redeem": {
          "Redeemable": true,
          "Redeemed": false,
          "RedeemedOn": ""
        "Refund": {
          "Refunded": false,
          "RefundedOn": ""
        "Pin": ""
      "PaymentReferenceNumber": "20230404/NEDBANK/489166217750",
      "OrderCreateReference": "b527f8fd-a072-490d-9460-d691dd29a0c3",
      "OrderDateTime": "2023-03-07T14:24:24.6253835",
      "OrderExpiry": "2023-04-06T14:24:24.6253835"
      "Voucher": {
        "Code": "9718995856",
        "Status": "REDEEMABLE",
        "Amount": {
          "Amount": "50.00",
          "Currency": "ZAR"
        "Redeem": {
          "Redeemable": true,
          "Redeemed": false,
          "RedeemedOn": ""
        "Refund": {
          "Refunded": false,
          "RefundedOn": ""
        "Pin": ""
      "PaymentReferenceNumber": "20230404/NEDBANK/489166158516",
      "OrderCreateReference": "c89e4d1d-afd4-41f9-9d9a-6edee4e64bb9",
      "OrderDateTime": "2023-03-06T11:45:25.5667208",
      "OrderExpiry": "2023-04-05T11:45:25.5667208"
  "Links": {
    "Self": ""
  "Meta": {
    "Page": 1,
    "PageSize": 5,
    "PageCount": 0