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7 Get customer financial information


Using the heavy access token, you may proceed to make the call to Get customer financial information.

Method GET
Header Value Description
x-fapi-financial-id OB/2017/001 Financial ID.
Authorization Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN> Replace with the heavy/submission access token you received from the previous call.
x-ibm-client-id <YOUR CLIENT ID> The client ID you received when creating the app on the portal.
x-ibm-client-secret <YOUR CLIENT SECRET> The client secret you received when creating the app on the portal.
Response JSON
    "CustomerFinancials": {
        "Financials": {
            "Declarations": [
                    "Label": "Total monthly income",
                    "Description": "This information comes from your Nedbank salary account.",
                    "Amount": {
                        "Amount": 94388.29,
                        "Currency": "ZAR"
                    "Label": "Total monthly living expenses",
                    "Description": "This can include rent, food, transport, medical expenses and school fees.",
                    "Amount": {
                        "Amount": 2074.45,
                        "Currency": "ZAR"
                    "Label": "Total monthly debt obligations",
                    "Description": "This can include car finance, home loans, cellphone contracts, credit cards and store card accounts.",
                    "Amount": {
                        "Amount": 1159,
                        "Currency": "ZAR"
            "Accepted": false
    "Links": {
        "self": "http://localhost:3000/api/open-banking/v1/personal-loan-offers/608051/financials"
    "Meta": {
        "total-pages": 1

With all the responses from the offer calls and the customer financial information, you are going to display the initial loan offer to the user. On the loan offer display, the user would be able to select a different loan term. If that happens you must make a call to recalculate the loan offer based on the term the user has selected and then display the updated loan offer.