Using your refresh token we can make this call to get a new heavy token.
Method | POST |
Endpoint | |
Using your refresh token we can make this call to get a new heavy token.
Method | POST |
Endpoint | |
Header | Value | Description |
Accept | application/json | The data type the endpoint will accept |
Content-Type | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | The data type being sent to the endpoint |
Field | Value | Description |
client_id | <YOUR CLIENT ID> | The client ID you received when creating the app on the portal. |
client_secret | <YOUR CLIENT SECRET> | The client secret you received when creating the app on the portal. |
grant_type | refresh_token | The grant type to be used. |
refresh_token | <YOUR REFRESH TOKEN> | The refresh token you received when you are making heavy token call. |
redirect_uri | <YOUR REDIRECT URI> | Replace with the redirect uri you used in the previous call. |
Sample Body
"access_token": "v6nvSZUczZoBEqZzcun1",
"refresh_token": "XjqWBrA3peB42GquymQEO4se0Ym94AL5BlRXPCkq",
"scope": "openid loans",
"id_token": "nRUVoUHZwSjJ3ZEtsTW5ZRUNJaW9mdzloUzlvIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJydF9oYXNoIjoiWE9MeEZNYW44WnRrdWZXSDhlWmxPdyIsImlhdCI6MTU2MjIyNjQ1NCwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9uZWRiYW5rLmNvLnphIiwiYXRfaGFzaCI6InJQTzVHZ240WG1xZXNEV1hPeTJwcEEiLCJzdWIiOiI4OTYwNDQyMjEzIiwiZXhwIjoxNTYyMjMwMDU0LCJhdWQiOiI1MDBhYWU4ZS01ZmIwLTRkZGUtOTNkYi1lMjU3NmUwYjQ3YWYifQ.JY0tj2Qp321urNNis8pkfMIgmjVImI-JEdbLl2dypsBhW4YN_UdRNdeVQ4YGSF63pLvtitqufFsj-JTLbpd-QZN-SKHtyPRaUGWtIP2Qdg_FtMEcX7N34MhnLwkPI4Zub5Fg64tlEpt2aYkz_lQr3lgaI-DSIzyVOt4YQ30Lj58LNQulct0GDRMEjrZEkJPq3ihMQ9fsGkKK9Qhp3b_DCfTaIfZqBKpx0zNPctv8h2-SF4iRyihPWvV9vIZaN8nc0z9y1GIzkprR2XQqI_WnXHGeNwjGT2BJONVx-9v9gEefdsO6Hi8MrDtNQ4hN5FbIChMnykcnwMzxC1K8OjLVvg",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3588