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4 Verify the status of the loan using the subscription ID.


Using the subscriptionId you created in step 2, call the getCaseDetails endpoint to get the loan status.

Method GET
Header Value Description
Content-Type application/json The data type being sent to the endpoint
x-fapi-financial-id OB/2017/001 Financial ID
Authorization Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN> The access token you received from the previous call. Replace <ACCESS_TOKEN> with the access token you received.
x-ibm-client-id <YOUR CLIENT ID> The client ID you received when creating the app on the portal.
x-ibm-client-secret <YOUR CLIENT SECRET> The client secret you received when creating the app on the portal.
x-nb-subscription-id <SUBSCRIPTION ID> The subscription id you created on step 2.

Response JSON
    "Data": {
        "ArrangementId": "1234543",
        "CaseId": "100041234",
        "LoanAmount": 2000,
        "DateTimeLoanProvisioned": "10/03/2021 11:17:22",
        "Status": "LOAN_ACCEPTED"
These are the possible loan statuses that you may receive from the getCaseDetails api request:
LOAN_ACCEPTEDThe loan process was successful and the user accepted the loan.
LOAN_DECLINEDThe loan request was declined for this user.
LOAN_PROCESS_FAILEDsomething went wrong requesting a loan for this user.
DATA_REQUIREDSomething went wrong or user cancelled application before loan offers were calculated.
LOAN_REJECTED_STAFFThe loan request was rejected because the user is a Nedbank staff member.
LOAN_CALCULATEDSomething went wrong or use cancelled application before a loan offer was accepted.
LOAN_INITIALIZEDSomething went wrong or user cancelled application before loan offers were calculated.