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6 Request applications by application identifier


Retrieve the application for the specified application identifier.

Only applications created by/linked to your client id will be returned.

Method GET
Header Value Description
x-mfc-worklow true or false Whether or not to include the application workflow information in application response.
x-ibm-client-id <YOUR CLIENT ID> The client ID you received when creating the app on the portal.
x-ibm-client-secret <YOUR CLIENT SECRET> The client secret you received when creating the app on the portal.
Query parameters
Parameter Value Description
applicationid <THE APPLICATION ID> The application seed identifier for which to retrieve the application. Use 12.
Response JSON
    "data": {
        "ageInDays": 25,
        "applicationStatus": "InProgress",
        "applicationStatusDetail": {
            "color": "#009639",
            "description": "Your application has not yet been submitted.",
            "key": "inprogress",
            "name": "In Progress",
            "order": 2
        "bankStatementsConsent": false,
        "buyerCellphone": "0632540411",
        "buyerIdentityNumber": "5704035136086",
        "canCancel": false,
        "canResume": false,
        "canView": false,
        "creditConsent": true,
        "currentState": "Vehicle",
        "currentStateDetail": {
            "category": "Affordability",
            "categoryVisible": true,
            "isComplete": false,
            "isCurrent": true,
            "isLocked": false,
            "lockPriorToState": false,
            "name": "Vehicle details",
            "order": 100,
            "state": "Vehicle",
            "static": false,
            "submitPriorToState": false,
            "url": "vehicle",
            "userType": "Buyer"
        "currentBuyerState": "Vehicle",
        "currentBuyerStateDetail": {
            "category": "Affordability",
            "categoryVisible": true,
            "isComplete": false,
            "isCurrent": true,
            "isLocked": false,
            "lockPriorToState": false,
            "name": "Vehicle details",
            "order": 100,
            "state": "Vehicle",
            "static": false,
            "submitPriorToState": false,
            "url": "vehicle",
            "userType": "Buyer"
        "dealType": "Dealer",
        "displayMigrationAlert": false,
        "buyerDocumentationProcessed": false,
        "sellerDocumentationProcessed": false,
        "foxSubmitRequired": false,
        "monthlyExpensesCaptured": false,
        "payslipConsent": true,
        "sellerContactCaptured": true,
        "userType": "Any",
        "bankerEmail": "",
        "crossSellConsent": true,
        "applicationSeedId": 0,
        "notifyUsers": true,
        "createdDate": "2019-09-13T12:56:50.157765",
        "modifiedDate": "2019-09-13T12:56:50.157765",
        "id": 2,
        "populated": false
    "metaData": {
        "code": "R00",
        "message": "Operation successful.",
        "name": "Success"