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4 Request token (heavy/submission)


Using the code returned with the redirect uri, you must call this endpoint to get an access token for the Rewards Balance call. Please take note that the account numbers that you are authorised to use will be in the 'metadata' in the response.

Method POST
Header Value Description
Accept application/json The data type the endpoint will accept.
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded The data type being sent to the endpoint.

Body x-www-form-urlencoded
Field Value Description
client_id <YOUR CLIENT ID> The client ID you received when creating the app in the portal.
client_secret <YOUR CLIENT SECRET> The client secret you received when creating the app in the portal.
redirect_uri <REDIRECT URI> Replace with the redirect uri you used in the previous call.
code <CODE> Replace with the code you received from the previous call.
grant_type authorization_code The grant type to be used.
Response JSON
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "access_token": "AFYLGI2gs30aCU4rnalg",
    "expires_in": 3599,
    "scope": "openid rewards",
    "refresh_token": "EkvHpaauYTHC0LetggzFvVZ8Tl5Q6EK7eeBPEMlf"